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What is Dukto- How to download and install

 Dukto is a remote file transfer software. It is one of the best and easiest apps to use file sharing software and its even better because it can be aquired free on the market 

Have you ever heard of Dukto file sharing software app? Dukto is an open-source project that is available for various mobile devices and desktop operating systems

It enables you to share files, folders and texts between all devices using local connections only.

The software is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X on the desktop side of things, Windows phone, Android, and Symbian on the mobile side

Windows can furthermore select between a portable version and installer for the system

The interface is nearly identical on Android and lekely on other versions of Dukto

It has aan excellent program, open source, portable, supports all major systems except iOS

It enables text and file transfer between all devices using local environment without third-party involvement

Follow these steps to download and install Dukto

Follow these steps to download and install winrar on your Pc.

1. Proceed to your web browser and search for > Dukto

2. Select free download option on your favourite website of download

3. Download will be automatically triggered and an application setup will be downloaded, find the downloaded software and run the program

 4. Run the setup and click on next. Dukto will download additional files and the software is now installed in your PC

5. Now lets look at our newly installed app, these steps will take you through how to operate Dukto software. Accept user terms and proceed.

6. After accepting the terms of usage the app is now ready to use.

7. Once the connection is established, you will see the file send and receiver PC/device name on your respective Dukto interface. Follow the above steps also to download dukto for Android and clarify that the dukto software you want to download is for android. This is how Dukto looks on an android device.

8. We will take you through how to send and receive files between a PC and Android device.

A device is visible as android on your PC dukto app

Mutually on your android device, your PC is visible in the buddies category
Please note that both your PC and android should be connected to a common network in that case a similar Wi-Fi connection or alternatevily you can create a portable hotspot network on your android device and make sure that you connect your PC to that hotpot network

9. Click on the android device name on your Pc to send files to the android device

10. Select your preferred form of data you would wish to transfer be it text, file or folder
Select files for example

11. Select a file that you would wish to send to your buddy on an android device

12. Data transfer begins, please make sure your android device is still wake and the app is running from the device

13. On your android end the screenshot file sent from your PC is received

14. To send files from your phone to your PC, open the app from your phone and select your PC name in the buddies center and repeat the same steps above and you should be good to go.
Select your PC name

Send files or folder

Browse on files you wish to send and select proceed on step 3

15. Data is succesfuly sent to your PC and you can search for the file on the directory where Dukto  was installed

File received from your android device

There you have knowledge of Dukto application, how to acquire, install and send files to your buddies on a network..